Academic Progress Pathway for First-Year Students on Academic Probation

The Academic Progress Pathway (APP) is an academic recovery program for first-year students on academic probation and is coordinated by the Center for Academic Advising & 保留(CAAR). The Provost’s Office notifies students in early January regarding their probation status. 

Offered in the spring semester, APP provides students with support and accountability to improve their academic standing. The program is designed to lead students to identify challenges from the fall semester—and to engage in new behaviors and habits that can contribute to academic success. 

Student participation in APP is reported to the Provost’s Office at the conclusion of spring semester, and that information can be used in decisions regarding the student’s academic status at FSU.  

What are APP components? 

  • 欢迎 & Expectations Group Meeting:
Tuesday, January 30               3:30-4:15 PM      TEAMS online 
Wednesday, January 31         12-00-12:45 PM    TEAMS online


在这次会议上, the Interim Associate Provost and CAAR University Advisors will describe FSU’s probation policies and Academic Progress Pathway expectations, as well as offer important information on moving toward good academic standing.   

  • Bi-Weekly Meetings with your University Advisor

University Advisors will choose a meeting time that works with the student’s course and practice schedules (if applicable) and will communicate appointment days/times at the 欢迎 meeting. These one-on-one meetings will take 20-30 minutes and will occur every other week. 会议期间, the student and the UA will review course progress and develop strategies to improve academic performance.  


  • 完成 Academic Recovery Plan & 学习 & Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

APP participants must complete both the plan and inventory within the first two weeks of the spring semester.  The Academic Recovery Plan prompts individuals to reflect on challenges and strengths related to academic performance. The student and their University Advisor will work together to develop an individualized academic plan for spring. 

The LASSI is designed to gather information about learning, study practices, and attitudes.  University Advisors will share with students FSU’s school number, user name, and password to 访问颓唐 

What can students expect from APP? 

  • Structure and accountability
  • University Advisor commitment and engagement
  • Personalized guidance and support to help form habits conducive to academic success

What do we expect of participants? 

  • 尊重 & willingness to learn and evolve
  • Regular attendance and involvement in one-on-meetings 
  • Honest and open communication 

What is academic probation/warning? 

Academic Standards Governing Academic Probation and Dismissal

First-Year Academic Recovery Toolkit