
In accordance with requirements of the Tax Relief Act of 1997, the 1098-T tax credit form is intended to provide you with information to assist you in determining your eligibility for possible American Opportunity Credits or Lifetime Learning Credits. This tax credit form will be mailed to the permanent address of the student on or before January 31 each year. 然而, you may receive it sooner if you 格兰特 consent for us to electronically transmit the form to you. 如果你还没有这样做, please visit the consent page (下面的指令).

如果您无法访问您的爪子帐户, did not receive your current 1098T form (spring and intersession of the current tax year are generally billed and reported on the 1098Tform for the last tax year), or need a copy of a prior year: please send an email to billingoffice@inonezl.com. Be sure to include your name, student identification number, and tax year requested. Payment may be required prior to processing any prior year requests. 本年度的纳税申报表在每年的1月31日寄出, requests for current year paper forms are not processed until after that date. The electronic version of the 1098T is available via your 爪子 account by January 15 each year.

如果你的国籍不是美国国籍.S.A. and you wish to have a 1098T, please request that one be issued to you via your FSU email account to billingoffice@inonezl.com. 为了有一个有效的1098T学生 必须持有有效的美国护照.S. 税务识别号 (SSN, ITIN等.).


美国国税局第970号出版物(高等教育的税收优惠), and Publication 520 (Scholarships and Fellowships) is available from the IRS Web site or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.


  1. 什么是1098-T表格?

    你, 或者声称你是受抚养人的人, 可以在1040表上申请教育学分吗. 这份声明是FSU提供给你的. This statement is required to support any claim, and for an education credit. 把这份声明留作记录.

  2. 为什么我需要1098-T?

    The qualified payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses listed on this form may reduce taxes owed for the current filing year, or make you aware of potential qualification to an education credit.

  3. 我怎么拿到1098-T?

    如果你在给定的纳税年度里符合资格, we will mail a paper copy to your permanent home address on file. 此邮件将于1月31日盖邮戳. 如果你还没有这样做, you may take advantage of our online form that is electronically available earlier than the paper copy. To get the online copy sooner, you must 格兰特 consent in the student portal. 这个电子程序从1月初开始. 你 will be alerted by your campus email once available to view.


    1. 登入爪子
    2. 单击Self Service链接
    3. 点击学生中心链接
    4. 在财务部分下,选择“查看1098T”
    5. 选择授予同意按钮


  4. 为什么我没有收到表格?

    Not all students will receive a 1098-T form for the tax year. 在下列情况下,你将不会收到表格:

    1. 不提供学分的课程, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program.
    2. Nonresident alien students, unless specifically requested by the student.
    3. Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with 格兰特s, 奖学金, 或者第三方利益.


  5. Where can I read more information about education tax credits?

    请访问美国国税局网页关于 “教育税收优惠” 也就是970号出版物

  6. 我有资格获得哪些税收抵免?

    澳门十大赌城官方网站 is unable to provide you with tax advice or to assist with tax filing instructions. 以确定您的潜在资格, please consult your tax advisor or the Internal Revenue Service.

  7. 1098-T表格是什么样的?

    A blank copy of the 1098-T form can be found on the IRS site.

  8. What do the numbers in each box mean and how do you calculate the numbers within each?

    All amounts reported on this form are reported as positive amounts. Each box is designated for certain information per IRS regulations.

    • 箱1: Shows the total payments received by an eligible educational institution in the tax year from any source for qualified tuition and related expenses less any reimbursements or refunds made during the tax year that relate to those payments received in the tax year.
    • 框2: 保留
    • 盒3: Shows whether your educational institution changed its reporting method for the tax year. For 2018, FSU has changed from reporting the amounts billed to the payments received. 你 should be aware of this change in figuring your education credits.
    • 箱4: The listed amount here (if any) will show the total of qualified tuition and fees reductions in the current calendar year for charges that were reported in a previous calendar year.
    • 箱5: Grants, waivers, 奖学金, and third party benefits received in the tax year are listed in box 5. Examples of amounts that might appear here are Pell and other federal 格兰特s, 国家助学金和奖学金, 学费减免, 以及澳门十大赌城官方网站的资助. 贷款金额不报告在任何框.
    • 箱6: The listed amount here (if any) will show the total of any scholarship, 格兰特, or third party benefit reductions in the current calendar year for aid that was credited in a previous calendar year.
    • 箱7: This box is checked if the amount in box 2 includes amounts for an academic period beginning January through March. For instance you are enrolled in the intersession or spring semester, but charges for either of those terms actually posted to your account in the prior year.
    • 盒8: 半日制学生身份
    • 盒9: 研究生身份
    • 盒子10: 澳门十大赌城官方网站不使用第10栏.
    • 未来的发展. For the latest information about developments related to Form 1098-T

  9. 1098-E是什么?

    The 1098-E is a “Student loan Interest Statement” provided by your student loan servicer in each tax year if applicable to you. This form is completely separate from the 1098-T we have discussed above. 澳门十大赌城官方网站 does not have any input on the 1098-E because this tax form coincides to any interest paid to a servicer for federal student loans.

大学 & 学生开票处

电话: 301.687.4321
电子邮件: billingoffice@inonezl.com