
  • 咨询服务中心提供什么服务?

    学生咨询中心提供以下服务 服务:个人, 集团, 以及夫妻咨询, 危机干预, 酒精, 以及其他药物咨询和转诊. We also provide a wide variety of outreach presentations on mental health topics for student organizations, 学生宿舍, 以及大学社区.

  • 我对第一次“访问”有什么期待?? 

    The morning of your appointment you will receive an email with a link to complete your intake paperwork, 那些文件需要在你约定的约会之前完成. 如果你的预约是虚拟的, 您将收到另一封电子邮件,其中包含连接远程医疗预约的链接. 在你约定的时间, you will meet with a 学生心理咨询 Center counselor who will get an understanding of your current needs, 收集关于你的简短历史, 并与你合作制定一个计划,概述接下来的步骤.

  • 学生来学生咨询中心讨论什么类型的问题?

    学生们出于各种原因来到学生咨询中心. 这些措施包括压力管理, 组织技能, 关系问题与精神障碍的显著症状有关, 最常见的是抑郁和焦虑. Some students may only come once as problems or symptoms arrive while others may attend regularly throughout their years of schooling to manage recurrent symptoms of ongoing stressors. 澳门十大赌城官方网站通常每两周见一次学生。. 根据你的治疗师的临床判断,可以建议你进行更定期的治疗.

  • 我需要在危机中参加学生咨询中心的服务吗?

    NO! 它即使不是更有帮助,也是一样有帮助的, to seek counseling treatment just when you are starting to feel that you could use some assistance. You don't need to wait until there is a big problem on your shoulders to talk to a counselor.

  • 我很担心一个学生,我该怎么办? 

    If the concern is life-threatening, please contact 911 or the 校园 Police at 301-687-4223.

    如果情况没有生命危险, being supportive and encouraging the student to contact the 学生心理咨询 Center is often the best first step. 学生心理咨询 Center does not contact students who do not contact us first out of respect for their privacy and independence.

  • 什么是远程治疗?

    Teletherapy is the delivery of health care 服务 using interactive technologies (audio and visual) between a counselor and client who are not in the same physical location. 类似于Facetime或Skype,但使用更安全,符合hipaa的平台.

  • 关于我的预约如何联系我?

    联系的主要形式将是电话,有时通过电子邮件. You will receive a reminder email and a text message reminder if you choose to sign up, 在你预约的前几天. 在你预约的那天早上, you will receive an email with a link to complete your paperwork for your appointment as well as a follow-up email with a link to your telehealth appointment.

  • 我的预约需要什么?

    学生们应该为约会找一个没有干扰的私人空间. 有些人可能会决定使用耳机来保护隐私. It is asked that you give the session your full attention and avoid multi-tasking during your session. Sessions using Microsoft TEAMS or Vidyo may be accessed on a computer or mobile device.

  • 我如何为我的网上预约找到隐私?


    • 向和你在一起的人要一些私人空间.
    • 创建一些白噪音. 在你的智能手机上下载一个免费的声音机应用程序来播放声音. Placing your phone near a door will muffle the voices from your sessions to those around you.
    • 在院子里找一个安静的地方,或者去当地的公园, 远离他人, 在那里你可以专注于你的治疗.
    • 如果你有车的话, 确保你的车停好了,然后通过智能手机登录你的会话.
    • 如果你没有私人空间, please inform us when you schedule and we will work with you to identify a space on campus for your sessions.


  • 少数民族学生可以得到什么服务?

    学生心理咨询 Center has a diverse staff with a variety of experience and expertise. 澳门十大赌城官方网站还为代表特定身份的学生提供小组. For example, we have 集团s for Black women (I AM HER Tribe) and LGBTQ+ (LGBTQ+ Support 集团). Although we are not always able to match a student’s background to that of the counseling staff, we have had cross-cultural training and are knowledgeable about issues of diversity and difference. Please feel free to speak to the Administrative Assistant or request to speak to the Director to address your concern.

  • 我一想到要见心理咨询师就紧张. 这正常吗??

    对不熟悉的情况感到犹豫是正常的, 尤其是在讨论个人感受和想法的时候. 有时谈论这种紧张会使谈话变得轻松. We would like you to realize that each counselor has a unique style and approach that can offer a new experience for you. 无论出于什么原因,你和你的辅导员在一起感到舒适是很重要的, 如果你不知道, we ask that you speak to the Administrative Assistant or request to speak to the Director to address your concern. It is okay to express these concerns and we would rather have you do this than have you not return.

  • 学生咨询中心会代表我写一封信吗?

    Your 学生心理咨询 Center counselor may provide a letter on your behalf should your counselor see fit. If your counselor agrees to write a letter on your behalf a 发布信息 must be obtained before the letter can be disturbed. If you are not receiving 服务 from the 学生心理咨询 Center we recommend you reach out to your therapist, 初级保健医生, 或者其他资源. 请注意 学生咨询中心不写任何关于动物的信件 (例如:服务或情感).