
The Residence Life Office

The Residence Life Office serves as the central office for the entire residence hall system. 在这里, 学生, as well as professional staff, work to ensure that your living environment is not only comfortable and satisfying, but also a real part of 学生' total educational experience. The offices for the Director of Residence Life and Assistant Directors are located in the Residence Life Office.

Director of Residence Life - Kim Hinds-Brush



Associate Director of Residence Life for Residential Facilities - Katie Buehner


Associate Director of Residence Life for Residential Education - Katie Weir


Program Management Specialist - Ashton Dewitt


Administrative Assistant - Tammy Ringler


Resident Directors
Every residence hall has a live-in Resident Director who advise and work as liaisons between the residents, RAs, and the Assistant Directors. These staff members are responsible for aiding in the writing of work orders, incident reports, and other duties as assigned. They also advise the Hall Councils in the building to which they are assigned, as well as assist and support the hall programs and activities. Resident Directors supervise a staff of RAs in their assigned building. 另外, graduate and professional Resident Directors serve as hearing officers for administrative and panel hearings.

Westminster and Cumberland Resident Director - Laz Sye ljsye@inonezl.com 301-687-3885

Frederick and Annapolis Resident Director - Erin Geibel ergeibel@inonezl.com 301-687-4113

Resident Assistants
Resident Assistants (RAs) are the smiling faces of the Residence Life Office who live and work in our residence halls. They are undergraduate 学生 who live in the residence halls to aid the residents in their adjustment to university life. The RAs are responsible for informing residents of the various rules and regulations as well as 信息 concerning university resources and programs. There will be one RA in each building on duty each night to assist residents with any of a variety of problems, including personal counseling, 信息, 或纪律. The RAs are very important resources for all 学生 who live in the residence halls.