
If you or someone you know has experienced any conduct that may violate Frostburg State University's Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Policy, we encourage you or your friend to seek support and to report the incident.

Any member of our university community may report an incident or make a complaint by doing one or more of the following:

Reports to the University

When gender-based harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking has occurred and is brought to the attention of the university, we will take steps to end the harassment or violence, prevent its reoccurrence, and address its effects.

To notify the University, individuals may:

Reports to Law Enforcement

You are not required, but do have the right to file a criminal complaint with law enforcement. Reporting to law enforcement does not preclude you from also reporting the incident to the university. University Police can assist anyone wishing to report an incident to a law enforcement agency. Reporting the incident to University Police will constitute notice to the university and may result in the university initiating an investigation into the incident.

Anonymous Reporting

The University created a system for anonymous reporting as a means to encourage reporting of gender-based harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, 和被人跟踪.  The Office of 性别平等 receives all anonymous reports and will work with the appropriate university officials on the most appropriate means to respond. While the university will work hard to respond and remedy the conduct alleged in an anonymous report, please understand that the university's response may be limit.

To report an incident anonymously, individuals may:

  • Call the Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Tip Line at 301.687.3434

    Upon calling the tip line, the caller will hear a recorded message directing them to leave a message with information they feel comfortable sharing.  Messages on the tip line are completely anonymous without phone numbers or the names of the callers being connected to them.  The message is directly forwarded to the Office of 性别平等.

  • Complete and submit a 在线报道

    The online report form gives an individual the option of remaining anonymous by allowing them to omit their personal contact information.